Sunday, March 7, 2010

Here We Go

So it's been a while! I figured all the hype on Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland deserved a post. I will start out with one word: disappointment! This tale, which was probably a fantasy for most little girls was nothing short of a let-down. I had always been so thrilled by the haunting, eclectic touch of Tim in the majority of his films. That was, until Alice. I'll start with the positives, then get to the negatives. First off, I can't complain about the wardrobe and actors... atleast the very few that were included. This tale was turned into just about every other big action, super-computer graphic-oriented film out and about these days. I never saw Avatar for this exact reason. I don't mind fantasy, but there is something about Tim Burton doing this that upsets me. I expected the movie to turn into a more classic, artistic manner and it just went into the redundancy of most Hollywood epic films- to the shitter. The pace of the film was long, dreary, and hard to stay awake to. The attempt at humor was pure cheese. Ok, I'm going to stop my rambling now. I guess I just figured he would sway in a more original way and stand out from the rest. For me, it did not. Maybe I have Tim Burton misunderstood. Does anyone else agree???